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It is clear that every healthy adult can use this training method. However, if you suffer from one of the following complaints, you may not use this training method or only use it with a doctor's approval:
  • epilepsy
  • pacemaker
  • pregnancy
  • Severe circulatory disorders
  • Abdominal wall or inguinal hernia
  • tuberculosis
  • tumor diseases
  • Arteriosclerosis in an advanced stage, arterial circulatory disorders
  • Severe neurological diseases
  • diabetes mellitus
  • Febrile diseases, acute bacterial or viral processes Bleeding,
  • severe bleeding tendencies (hemophilia)

The origin derives from astronautics and above all from physiotherapy and medicine, in which it still finds its purpose to this day. It is mainly used when back pain is to be relieved, the pelvic floor muscles are to be strengthened and imbalances are to be corrected. EMS is also used in high-performance sports for "body tuning". The aim here is to achieve peak performance levels.

After we have agreed on a first training appointment together by phone or in the studio, an anamnesis interview takes place. After a positive check-up, the EMS technology and how it works will be explained to you. Then what your goals are and whether they can be achieved with EMS. After that, the theoretical part is done and it's off to the practical. You put on special EMS functional clothing, after which you are dressed with the EMS vest and belts (which the trainer sprays with water prior). After this you are ready to activate your muscles. Your personal trainer will show you exercises, correct your movement, motivate you, will NOT leave your side for a second and adjust the intensities with your feedback. For a maximum of two people at the same time. After the training, we are still only reserved for you, clarify questions and introduce you to the concept and packages Only after the trial session and both trainer and you agree it fits your goals will you then be able to purchase a package and start your journey with us.

Already after the first few times you will feel the vitalizing effects. After about six EMS sessions, the first successes are visible.

Please take a pair of clean sports shoes and a small towel with you.
Prepare yourself about an hour before training with sufficient liquid (min. 0.5L water) and an energy snack (e.g. banana). Above all, after training, you need to drink a lot (min. 2.0L a day) and eat a balanced diet and rest. This also applies to the next day! We will coach you extensively on all of these topics during your training session.

This is not necessary as the training is adapted to your fitness level. If there is no basic fitness yet, this will develop. If you have a basic level of fitness, this will be increased. Suitable for all age groups.

EMS (Electrical Muscle Stimulation) is a great alternative to traditional gym workouts, especially for individuals who have busy schedules and find it challenging to dedicate 4 to 5 hours per week to the gym. Unlike conventional workouts, EMS offers a short and convenient session that efficiently helps with fat loss, muscle toning, and strength gain. It allows you to achieve your fitness goals without having to deal with crowded gym environments.

The cost of EMS training in Dubai varies depending on the package you choose. At My30minutes EMS, EMS Trial with a personal trainer starts from 50 AED. We suggest trying out the EMS training first to experience its benefits, and then you can select a package that best suits your needs and preferences.

There are no side effects with ems, it’s been medically tested and approved.

If you have a heart condition, you wouldn’t be allowed to do an ems training, unless the doctor approves it, ems training wouldn’t give you a heart attack, EMS is similar to any regular training as you go through in the normal gym, the major difference is you activate all muscle, more idle muscle group in other areas are also activated and it’s time saving. So no side effects what’s so ever.

Ems depending on the workout routine can spike high blood pressure if it’s HIIT workout, that’s why our licenses trainers would have your sessions at low intensity or in most cases even before the session we would ask the client to get a doctors approval before proceeding.

Ems training can only be done once or twice a week. Reason being the muscle needs time to heal after a session due to the intensity of the training. Recovery is very important when it comes to a healthy muscle growth.

Ems training can be used for weight loss, if the client stays on a consistent proper clean diet and consistent training.

Ems training works as we have lots of testimonials. It’s a 20min workout equivalent to 4 hours training. Activating 90% of your muscle fibers is bound to give you results.